With a long-standing track record of representing one of the largest agriculture companies in the world, Drexwood brings a depth of advocacy and policy knowledge about agriculture and food issues in Illinois.
Drexwood has expertise throughout P-20 education policy in Illinois, as well as experience at the federal level. Our team has nearly 20 years of combined experience handling higher education policy.
Drexwood has worked on major legislation in the energy sector, driving passage of bills effecting energy independence, energy efficiency, and other energy statutes.
Drexwood has experience handling policy issues in the banking, fintech, and mortgage industries. Additionally our collective experience working in both trading and mortgage industry positions prior to lobbying gives Drexwood a unique understanding of issues facing clients in the finance and fintech industries as a whole.
Drexwood has over a decade of experience in gaming policy in Illinois. In 2019, we successfully navigated the largest gaming expansion in Illinois, which included authorization of sports wagering. With unparalleled expertise in Illinois gaming policy and national trends Drexwood is uniquely positioned to help clients succeed.
Drexwood has represented clients throughout the delivery system supply chain, including current representation of a leading global pharmaceutical company. Furthermore, Drexwood has experience handling clinical education and nursing policy issues through various clients.
Drexwood has helped many non-profits navigate issues in Illinois from regulatory process issues, to successfully pursuing capital appropriation line items, and receiving receiving general revenue appropriations through the budget process.
Drexwood represents several technology companies ranging from procurement technology to the gig economy. We work to understand stand new and emerging business, as well as policy issues like AI to serve our clients.
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